Saturday, June 9, 2012

Oh starry night!

  Looking at the stars always makes me dream,
as simply as I dream over the black dots
representing towns and villages on a map.
Why, I ask myself, shouldn't the shining
dots of the sky be as accessible as the
black dots on the map of France?
- Vincent van Gogh

June 9, 2012

I spent some time today working my camera and getting everything ready for my big night. It turns out I picked a great day to do this, because there were so many stars that I could see with the unaided eye today. I wished I had a telescope ( I know-baby steps). I noticed that one cluster keeps popping up on exactly the same place every night. I step out of my back door, take three steps and there it is when I look up. Unfortunately, numerous attempts to take pictures of this with my camera have failed me. I still have no picture. I think because its not a digital camera the setting has to be just right in order for me to take a picture in the dark. So its back to the drawing board. I guess I could take a good shot of the sunset to cheer myself up for now, since the camera seems to take good shots of everything else.

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